Umm, Boxers, Briefs, or an Underwear??




Boxers(Boxer shorts)



 When men buy undergarments be it boxers, briefs or underwear we rarely think heavily about it to us it’s all about wearing it, changing it and washing it. We tend to pick what we are used to wear or what is trending fashion wise for men. But as you know with everything about fashion it either becomes outdated style wise or it may work for one person and not for somebody else. Choosing the wrong undergarment might affect your health which may include affect your blood circulation and also when regulating temperature both of which play a big role in sperm production. So let’s break them down and give you information that will help you choose right next time your shopping for your inner-wear.

Undergarments 101

When it comes to choosing your undergarments you have the options of briefs, underwear and boxers. Briefs date back decades. They are the type underwear with elastic bands in the front side. The upside of using briefs offer more firmness since the elastic bands usually help everything stay in place. I hope when I say everything you understand which body part am talking about. The downside is that since all men are different physically, the brief elastic bands some time constricted blood circulation among some people. It gets very uncomfortable and many people opted to wearing underwears.

Underwears, are among the most famous undergarments and I bet all of us at one point in life wore one. An underwear doesn’t have the elastic bands that briefs have and that’s where the differences comes in. When picking an underwear its important you consider the fabric material it is made from. Cotton fabric underwears are the best and recommended by doctors since they are easily aerated and absorb any sweat easily. You should leave the luxurious and fancy fabrics such as silks for special occasions. It’s important to also mention that underwears require regular changing. At least twice in a day. And gym underwear should never ever be reused without being clean. The smell will tell you why you shouldn’t try that.

Lastly Boxer shorts, this are the 21st century crème dela crème of men’s innerwear fashion. They provide every type of comfort that makes me wonder why man didn’t invent it earlier. Boxers provide flexibility, aeration and most of them are made of cotton which is a good thing health wise. When it comes to boxers you have the following options the closely fitted and the baggy boxers. It’s important to note that the tighter the boxer the lower fertility helpfulness it will have. With boxers let your curiosity run wild if you want to spice up things go right ahead, she might just like it…

Oh, I know some of you like to go full blown nothing. Its good, flexibility and aeration can’t get better than that. But next time you try this out remember to where trousers or shorts that will be able to conceal your weapon. There is nothing more embarrassing than you little man sticking out in public. Even if it’s in front of a group of ladies, you won’t be able to hide the embarrassment.

Tell us: Which undergarment style do you choose and why?

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