Fish and Chips with Tartar Sauce


 Vegetable oil, for deep frying
4 large potatoes, peeled and cut into strips
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 cup milk
1 egg
1 quart vegetable oil for frying
1 1/2 kg fillets
Tartar Sauce, recipe follows


1. Heat 3-inches of oil in a deep pot. Peel the potatoes and cut them into strips. Put the potatoes in the oil. (Use the Wooden Spoon Technique to check if the oil is hot) Fry the chips for 4 to 5 minutes until tender and ready. Remove the chips and place on a paper towel-lined platter to drain.

2. In a large mixing bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, salt, and pepper. Stir in the milk and egg; stir until the mixture is smooth. Let mixture stand for 20 minutes.

3. Dredge the fish in the batter, one piece at a time, and place them in the hot oil. Fry until the fish is golden brown. If necessary, increase the heat to maintain the high temperature. Drain well on paper towel.
Serve with tartar sauce.

**How To Make Tartar Sauce:


1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup diced onions
2 tablespoons finely chopped flat-leaf parsley leaves
1/2 lemon, juiced
Dash of hot sauce


In a small mixing bowl, combine all ingredients. Chill before serving to let the flavors marry.

Yield: about 1 1/4 cups

Real Men Carry Umbrellas

sourced from Pinterest SWAG accountant

sourced from Pinterest SWAG account

The 21st century man has a lot of things expected from him by the society that at times it gets a bit confusing. As an African man the expectations span from social to personal expectations that you are expected to uphold. I was discussing with my friends a while back why is it that most Kenyan men nowadays during the rainy season will rarely carry their umbrellas around. The reason I was given was that umbrellas are not that “masculine” for a man to be seen carrying them, that they are unattractive and that if you are short it will be difficult to get by the streets. Just let me stop you right there. Now in this era we supposed to make a stand on our masculinity? Am  a man, I don’t see the reason why I should stop doing the common sense thing that men have been doing just because I don’t want to seem less masculine. That response wowed me for sure.

Umbrellas are supposed to keep you dry, at least keep some certain bits of your body dry. That’s what they are meant to do and they are also a unique sex tool meaning that a man or woman can use it. Now my brothers out there who don’t want to use umbrellas let me ask you, would you prefer being wet or inconvenienced when it’s raining or would you just save yourself the trouble by carrying an umbrella?? If you wear glasses an umbrella is your best friend because rain tends to mess with your glasses and you can’t keep on wiping them all the time. I am one of the people who love the rainy season so much because they usually work to my advantage; except for the cars that splash dirty street water on me, one of this days I will start driving too bro. during the rainy season it’s among the times the ladies who don’t carry their own umbrellas see my gentleman side in full swing.

You see if during the rainy season am in the city center, and a lady is struggling or stranded because they didn’t carry an umbrella. Me being a gentleman, I will offer her mine at least we share the umbrella as I drop her to the stage where she can pick her bus. In such a scenario I will obviously get a thumbs up for helping first of all and secondly, I will get her number. No desperate pick-up lines used. Instead of the umbrella reducing my masculinity as my pals claimed it instead acted to my advantage and got me a cute lady’s number. I bet that’s something you didn’t consider uh! An umbrella might just be the ultimate wingman during the rainy season.

Picking the Right Umbrella

If you pick the right umbrella in terms of structure, height and color it will compliment your dress code during the rainy season. If you are rocking an elegant shirt, tie, jeans and a blazer and you carry an umbrella with so many flowery details that you look like a walking Japanese flower art you don’t deserve to be a called masculine leave alone smart. For guys the best umbrella is the plain dark colors or if it’s a bright color please let it not be pink, if you have a pink umbrella, am writing this article for you because you have been making some poor choices. A dark color umbrella no matter the structure or height will always work with what you are wearing. If you are wearing a suit with a trench coat and then you add an umbrella. You will look super dapper my friend. Especially if the umbrella is matching the color of your suit, you might just be the African James Bond because of the look.

Short people first of all I have to tell you to own your height. It’s your height and nobody can take it from you. But now my friend pointed it out and I came to understand his point. You see in Nairobi, when it rains the city center becomes crowded because of the people trying to rush to get their buses or get cover from the rain. A short man will be there with an umbrella struggling to get by the streets since their height isn’t that good for managing an umbrella and rushing at the same time. But u see that’s just it if you have your umbrella it doesn’t matter what happens, it’s not like you are the same height as a ten year old so you won’t be bumping to other people. You can still move so blaming your height for not carrying an umbrella is just ridiculous. If you are a midget yea, I would see your point but the rest of you don’t even go there.

So to finish off, umbrellas are good if done right. Remember when you are picking an umbrella dark colors are the right and only way for a guy.

An African Man Should Eat Meat

A Hadza hunter

(Picture courtesy of

The creation scriptures tells us that God created all creatures that creep, swim or fly an inch of this earth. After creating the animals and putting them In the Garden of Eden, God then created MAN on the last day in his own image. Before you start wondering why am trying to recap your Sunday school moments let me tell you where exactly am heading at. You see God created Man with a purpose, to oversee and govern the animals in the Garden of Eden. Man was also created as a hunter, there is a reason why we are among the animals on the top of the food chain. AN AFRICAN MAN SHOULD EAT MEAT. Am not against vegetarians in any way. Dude I totally understand the green road you took. But let me just give you a recap about how the bible and the scientific history of the first man comes to agree on a common thing.


Man in the bible was told to eat certain types of animals and those not to touch. The society of the first man was structured in a way where men hunted the animals and women were responsible with gathering the vegetables if I may say. The African communities before colonialism knew the importance of meat. The older men in the community taught the young men how to hunt wild pigs, deer, gazelles, antelopes. In short anything that was an herbivore and was hunted by the lion was hunted by man too. You see in both cases Men were delegated the responsibility of providing meat for the family or community.


This past 2 weeks I have tried living a vegetarian life. It is the HARDEST thing you can ever take yourself through as a man. I tried giving a shot to the Soya chunks that are supposed to replace Meat to vegetarians. First of all, I think the “S” in Soya shares the same role as that in diSgusting and secondly, Meat is Meat. Nothing on this earth can replace that. If you disagree with me, please go ahead and tell me why and then I will give you a plate of Bacon versus your Soya and will see where your tongue will go. One thing I know for a fact is that Beef and pork are very tasty. On my vegetarian challenge, I convinced my neighbor’s son who is in Class 6 to tag in and make things interesting and he was down with the challenge.


In the Kenyan society there are roasted meat joints at the entrance of most of the butcheries. That’s what made the challenge difficult. I am taking my stroll home and pass those famous roasted meat joints in my neighborhood. The sweet aroma of the meat itself is more persuasive that the snake in the Garden of Eden that made Eve pluck the forbidden fruit from the tree. I had to walk faster to get myself out of that situation and back to normal air, where normal air here is air full of car fumes. I went and got the Soya chunks for my supper. I invited my neighbor’s son to give it a go when the food was ready. We were having the soya chunks with rice. The facial expression that the kid made was priceless. It was nowhere close to his expectations. And I would agree. There is no way on earth that those chunks will ever taste like meat leave alone replace meat. It is like all the foods or drinks that are termed dieted or nutritionally fit never have a good taste packaged in the deal. Except for diet soda. It’s the only diet thing I can take and not cringe my face the taste.


Meat has stolen the hearts of a lot of men. Vegetarianism is not a man’s business. I know nutritionist might disagree with me but this is the thing they don’t tell you. They usually say meat increases your cholesterol levels. You can eat meat and burn the cholesterol gained. Guys, being physically active is key, exercise at least for 30minutes 3 times a week and you will thank yourself later on. The cavemen used to run when they hunted the animals, that’s how they burnt all the extra cholesterol. Adam was the grounds-man to the first garden so am guessing by the time he had completed his routine checkups and naming the animals, he had restored his natural abs and also burnt all the extra cholesterol.


So as you start your year don’t lie to yourself that you won’t eat meat. Eat the meat but exercise. Meat is an African Man’s Bestfriend. Eating meat is your manly responsibility No Lie.